In grade school I once owned a bookmark that read "it takes a little rain to get a rainbow." I really liked the quote but at that time I was too young and lacked the life experiences that now enable me to have a greater appreciation for the significance of those words. In order to see the rainbow, we must not be afraid to endure the rain. Sometimes the events of life can deceive us into believing that our circumstances will not improve and that our God given visions are only distant dreams reserved for the privacy of our imaginations.
One thing I have come to love and respect about tribulation is that if nothing else, it forces us to prioritize our lives. We begin to gain a level of clarity that enables us to focus in on what's working spiritually, emotionally, financially, and relationally, eventually removing ourselves from situations that do not impact our lives positively. This week, no matter what you're going through, choose to remain focused on your vision. Committ to doing a little each day to achieve your goals and your latter is sure to be better than your past! Have a great week!!!