Proverbs 23:7 proclaims "For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he." Let's take a moment to be honest with with ourselves, if every individual that we encountered daily was able to take a peek into our thoughts, what would they discover? Would they be greeted by a multitude of negative thoughts, self-doubt, and fear? Or would they find our minds overflowing with positivity, confidence, and an overall spirit of victory? Though fortunately, those around us are unable to discern all of the intricate details of our thoughts, just as the scripture states, our internal thoughts of ourselves usually corresponds with the choices we make, our attitudes, and our overall approach to life.
Many of us spend an abundant amount of time attending worship services, praying, and studying the word of God, but how many of us are truly living a life of faith? If we truly believed God to be who he says he is, would we waste a moment allowing spirits of defeat, doubt, and fear stand between us and our destiny? This month I challenge us to focus on living a life of faith. One of the most importent tenets of faith is putting forth works or actions that demonstrate our beliefs. This month in honor of living a life of faith I challenge us to commit to having 30 days of positivity during which time we will eliminate negativity within our thoughts and speech, procrastination, and fear. Let's step out and do at least one thing that fear has deterred us from completing, that has the potential to propel our purpose!!! Have a great week!!
Tips For Living A Life Of Faith1. Seek God's guidance and direction through his word and prayer
2. Eliminate negativity within speech and thought
3. Persevere beyond disappointments and challenges
4. Surround yourself with positive people
5. Reward yourself at the end of each day for your diligence
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