Often times the barrier preventing us from pursuing our dreams and living a life of purpose is fear. Fear of what others will think, the uncertainty of the outcome, fear of failure, and simply fear of exploring an area that is unfamiliar. As a result, either we decide to retreat before we allow ourselves the opportunity to explore our ambitions, or we make up our minds that it is better to try and fail than to spend the rest of our lives wondering what if?
Fear is a trick that the enemy uses to fill our minds with negative thoughts that cause us to become paralyzed, and as a result many talents and gifts never flourish. I truly believe that understanding our God given purpose is the key to overcoming fear. Once we are in tune with the direction God is guiding us, the thoughts of others, limitations, and fear of failure become superceded by our faith that where God is taking us is better than where we are and where we've been. It is this faith that will enable us to overcome the obstacles and negativity that we experience along the way. We must remember that each of us possess ideas, knowledge, and a unique purpose that is needed in order to fulfill God's will. This week I challenge us to begin taking steps to overcome fear. "For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." 2 Timothy 1:7
Steps For Overcoming Fear1. Acknowledge the source of your fears
2. Create a plan of action for addressing these fears.
3. Accept challenges as a natural part of fulfilling your purpose.
4. Study, research, and properly prepare for a positive outcome.
5. Remain in a state of constant prayer, and seek spiritual guidance
throughout your journey.
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