Despite how dedicated you have been to your destiny regimen, there is usually one area that will require a little more effort and attention than the others. It's amazing how we may have all of our I's dotted, and our T's crossed with the exception of that one area that always seems to fall through the cracks. Maybe everyday as you complete the items included in your destiny regimen, you notice that repeatedly exercising is the one item that goes un-checked. Maybe it's time spent working toward your purpose, or failure to keep the budget that you vowed to maintain. Regardless of which area you discover is constantly being neglected, it is important to identify the area in need of special targeting.
Once the neglected area is identified, it may be necessary to move this task to the top of your "To Do" list to ensure it is completed, or even set a reminder on your phone to alert you when the time arrives specifically set aside for accomplishing this task. Oftentimes, the things we desire to do the least are completed last or not at all. This week as we continue our focus on radical discipline, I encourage you to focus on your target, aim, and make it your personal goal to hit the bulleye everyday. Have a great week!
I totally agree with this. The area I struggle most with is exercising. I find that if I do not put it at the beginning of my day & make it a "non-negotiable," it will not happen. Thanks, Tabitha, for the timely reminder.