We all have weaknesses or what I will refer to as personal triggers. Triggers are those people, environments, foods, words, or moods that hinder our focus. If your weakness is overspending, your trigger may be going to shopping centers with the intent to browse, yet somehow you always end up leaving with a purchase.
Maybe your busy schedule allows very little time for cooking, making it more convenient to opt for fast food, despite your comittment to eat healthier. In this instance, limited time is the trigger.
Then there's usually that one co-worker, friend, or family member who knows just the right words to say to ignite your emotions. Though you've promised yourself you would maintain emotional control at all times, once again you find yourself having an emotional outburst.
This week, I encourage you to recognize your weaknesses and triggers. Make a concious decision not to succumb to your personal weaknesses but instead replace them with positive alternatives. Have a great week!
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