Happy October!!!!
Are you Living with expectancy? Or are your thoughts about your dreams and desires more aligned to the following way of thinking:
You believe it can happen but not for you. You know that all things are possible but not right now. You have witnessed and believe in miracles but your situation is too far out of control, or self-inflicted therefore you are deserving of the negative consequences or discipline you are enduring. Or maybe you feel that because of past mistakes, you don't deserve more.
This month as we enter the last quarter of 2010, I encourage you to let go of those thoughts and actions that are blocking your blessing. Begin to live with expectancy!!! Expect that every blessing every miracle is on the way! Faith grants us the ability to live with expectancy through knowing that we serve a God who forgives and is able to restore all that is broken in our lives. Make a committment to revitalizing your prayer life and pray for God to align your desires with his desires and to purge your heart, mind and spirit of all that is not aligned to his will. When we seek God's will we can live with the expectancy that his will shall come to past, and we can rest assured that we are living with purpose.
A revitalized prayer life restores confidence in the future, grants peace, and provides clarity on the actions needed in order to live an abundant purposeful life. Through prayer we are in fellowship with our Lord and Savior, and we are equipped with the spiritual discernment that enables us to make better decisions and enables us to walk in obedience. Regardless of what your situation looks like, expect the best! Living with expectancy means working now in preparation for what's to come! You don't wait for wealth to learn how to manage money, or wait until you secure a job to gain the requirements. Professional athletes don't wait until the play-offs to prepare for a win. Living with expectancy is a life-style of constant preparation and application. Seek opportunities to apply your knowledge and to sharpen your skills in your areas of interest. Most visions don't come to pass over night, they are the result of small efforts that lead to big results. Pray like you mean it, live like you believe it!!!! Live with expectancy!!! Have a great week!!!
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