As an educator, one of the most challenging parts of my job is showing students how to believe in themselves. I am a believer that every individual regardless of age, background, or skill level possesses unique gifts and talents that can pave the road to greatness. The struggle is helping them to see beyond their past or current situation long enough to visualize the possibility of a brighter tomorrow.
This mentality often follows individuals into an adulthood filled with ambitions that remain unfulfilled as a result of years of following negative thought patterns. Proverbs 23:7 states "as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." Too often we compare our lives to that of those around us instead of focusing on achieving our personal best with the resources, gifts, skills, and talents we possess. These comparisons can leave us feeling as if our lives are not measuring up, or that somehow we've missed the mark of success. Our life's journey is not meant to be a mirror reflection of the images of success depicted in the media or society. The beauty of life is that every person was created uniquely and is destined to fulfill a purpose that was divinely designed. Even when it appears that the grass is greener in the lives of others, it is our responsibility to remember that the path that we are on is preparing us for the harvest of tomorrow. This week I encourage you to renew your thinking. Keep looking ahead, your future is waiting for you!!! Have a great week!
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