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Sunday, April 25, 2010

April - Week 4 - Living A Life Of Faith - Prepare For Your Blessings!!!

Many profess the desire to have a successful marriage, loving family, and to live a life of purpose, but how much time is spent preparing and doing those things that are necessary to reach and maintain these desires? Most of life is spent in preparation. Beginning as children we are enrolled in school, equipped with daily routiines, and skills all for the purpose of preparing us to become self-sufficient individuals. As adults we continue to train and prepare to function in roles within our careers, and acquire additional skills as we pursue the various visions that have been placed within us. It's amazing how we fail to devote preparation time to other areas of our lives that we value and wonder why the results are not always favorable. If you are single, when was the last time you attended a conference, event, or read a book for the purpose of gaining a greater understanding about relationships? I wonder how many married couples spend time preparing for the future success of their relationship through nourshing their relationships by taking part in couples retreats, and spending time learning how to enrich their lives as a couple?

The culture of our world is constantly changing as a result of the impact of social media, and technology as a whole. The way our youth communicate is forever transforming, but how often do parents invest time in discovering the outlets their childeren are using as a means of expression?

A true test of faith is the ability to believe that we are able to possess all that we desire and to demonstrate this belief through our works. If you truly believe that you will someday receive the desires of your heart, it is time to enter into a season of preparation in order to embrace the blessings that our faith is sure to manifest.

"Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead" - James 2:17

Sunday, April 18, 2010

April - Week 3 - Living A Life Of Faith - Overcoming Fear

Often times the barrier preventing us from pursuing our dreams and living a life of purpose is fear. Fear of what others will think, the uncertainty of the outcome, fear of failure, and simply fear of exploring an area that is unfamiliar. As a result, either we decide to retreat before we allow ourselves the opportunity to explore our ambitions, or we make up our minds that it is better to try and fail than to spend the rest of our lives wondering what if?

Fear is a trick that the enemy uses to fill our minds with negative thoughts that cause us to become paralyzed, and as a result many talents and gifts never flourish. I truly believe that understanding our God given purpose is the key to overcoming fear. Once we are in tune with the direction God is guiding us, the thoughts of others, limitations, and fear of failure become superceded by our faith that where God is taking us is better than where we are and where we've been. It is this faith that will enable us to overcome the obstacles and negativity that we experience along the way. We must remember that each of us possess ideas, knowledge, and a unique purpose that is needed in order to fulfill God's will. This week I challenge us to begin taking steps to overcome fear. "For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." 2 Timothy 1:7

Steps For Overcoming Fear

1. Acknowledge the source of your fears

2. Create a plan of action for addressing these fears.

3. Accept challenges as a natural part of fulfilling your purpose.

4. Study, research, and properly prepare for a positive outcome.

5. Remain in a state of constant prayer, and seek spiritual guidance
throughout your journey.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

April - Week 2 - Living A Life Of Faith - Conquering Adversity

Wouldn't it be wonderful if a blue print for life existed that could provide us with a clear cut plan for circumventing adversity? The word of God provides us with the wisdom needed to live a life that glorifies God, and provides us with instruction for overcoming tribulation. The truth is adversity is a part of life, and in order to live a life of purpose we must prepare and equip ourselves mentally and physically in order to overcome the trials that are sure to come our way. Adversity is a wonderful teacher that can allow us an opportunity to learn from mistakes thus eventually shaping us into stronger, more effective individuals. We must develop the type of faith that sees beyond obstacles, and press forward until the victory is received. Along our journey we must stay in tune with God's plan and purpose to ensure that the adversity we're facing is not the result of operating outside of God's will. We can have confidence and faith that we are sure to receive the victory if our endurance is for the glory of God. Make sure you're fighting for the winning team!

Steps For Conquering Adversity

Step 1: Recognize that God has a unique plan for your life.

Step 2: Seek God's plan for your life through prayer.

Step 3: Obediently adhere to God's guidance and direction.

Step 4: Be flexible, and open to making modifications during your journey as they are divinely ordained.

Step 5: Remember there's nothing too hard for God, if he brings you to it, he will bring you through it!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

April - Week 1 - Living A Life Of Faith - Discovering The Power Of Belief

Proverbs 23:7 proclaims "For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he." Let's take a moment to be honest with with ourselves, if every individual that we encountered daily was able to take a peek into our thoughts, what would they discover? Would they be greeted by a multitude of negative thoughts, self-doubt, and fear? Or would they find our minds overflowing with positivity, confidence, and an overall spirit of victory? Though fortunately, those around us are unable to discern all of the intricate details of our thoughts, just as the scripture states, our internal thoughts of ourselves usually corresponds with the choices we make, our attitudes, and our overall approach to life.

Many of us spend an abundant amount of time attending worship services, praying, and studying the word of God, but how many of us are truly living a life of faith? If we truly believed God to be who he says he is, would we waste a moment allowing spirits of defeat, doubt, and fear stand between us and our destiny? This month I challenge us to focus on living a life of faith. One of the most importent tenets of faith is putting forth works or actions that demonstrate our beliefs. This month in honor of living a life of faith I challenge us to commit to having 30 days of positivity during which time we will eliminate negativity within our thoughts and speech, procrastination, and fear. Let's step out and do at least one thing that fear has deterred us from completing, that has the potential to propel our purpose!!! Have a great week!!

Tips For Living A Life Of Faith

1. Seek God's guidance and direction through his word and prayer

2. Eliminate negativity within speech and thought

3. Persevere beyond disappointments and challenges

4. Surround yourself with positive people

5. Reward yourself at the end of each day for your diligence