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Friday, October 22, 2010

October Week 4 - Living With Expectancy - Unleash Your Confidence!

Every day presents new evidence of the reality that we live in a microwave society. Most things that we desire materialistically are only a credit card swipe away from our immediate disposal. For the most part I consider myself to be a conservative well-grounded individual, yet periodically I find myself drawn to the lures of the "gotta have it now" mentality. Many attach their very self-confidence to their ability to acquire superficial possessions. A question to consider is how do we feel about ourselves when we are stripped of all the superficial things that give us place in a materialistic world?

True confidence is the fruit of knowing and embracing who you are in Christ. One of the greatest joys is waking up each morning with peace in knowing that because you are seeking God's will, each moment of your day will be filled with opportunities to fulfill your God-given purpose. Confidence is the ability to embrace everything about the person God created you to be. Regardless of the imperfections the world may see, knowing that you are a work in progress and that through Christ even your flaws can be used for his glory makes every day a more promising. This week begin to walk with confidence! You're God's child! Act like it!!! Have a great weekend!!

Friday, October 15, 2010

October Week 3 - Living With Expectancy - Stop Talking! Start Living!!!

When was the last time you sat in a barbershop, salon, or amongst a group of friends as they swapped stories of "if I just had enough money I would... My relationship would be better if... Or if I were married my life would be better because... Or if my children were older I could... And the list goes on and on. Sometimes the person doing most of the talking may even be you. the reality is, life will never present us with the perfect conditions to begin taking the actions needed in order to fulfill our ambitions. It's up to us to make the best of our blessings and to understand that there's no limit to what God can do.

Proverbs 18:21 states "Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof." Words hold an extraordinary amount of power. Sometimes our words can talk us right out of a blessing. Words are often the root of many arguments, unforgiveness, self-doubt, discouragement and even have the power to create global conflict. Not only do words often result in conflict but sometimes we can spend so much time engaging in exchanges of thoughts and ideas that very little gets accomplished. This week I encourage us to be people of action versus prolific wordsmiths. Dialogue is a powerful tool, but dialogue in action will continue to change our world. Have a great week!!!

Friday, October 8, 2010

October Week 2 - Living With Expectancy - Renew Your Thinking

As an educator, one of the most challenging parts of my job is showing students how to believe in themselves. I am a believer that every individual regardless of age, background, or skill level possesses unique gifts and talents that can pave the road to greatness. The struggle is helping them to see beyond their past or current situation long enough to visualize the possibility of a brighter tomorrow.

This mentality often follows individuals into an adulthood filled with ambitions that remain unfulfilled as a result of years of following negative thought patterns. Proverbs 23:7 states "as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." Too often we compare our lives to that of those around us instead of focusing on achieving our personal best with the resources, gifts, skills, and talents we possess. These comparisons can leave us feeling as if our lives are not measuring up, or that somehow we've missed the mark of success. Our life's journey is not meant to be a mirror reflection of the images of success depicted in the media or society. The beauty of life is that every person was created uniquely and is destined to fulfill a purpose that was divinely designed. Even when it appears that the grass is greener in the lives of others, it is our responsibility to remember that the path that we are on is preparing us for the harvest of tomorrow. This week I encourage you to renew your thinking. Keep looking ahead, your future is waiting for you!!! Have a great week!

Friday, October 1, 2010

October Week 1 - Living With Expectancy - Revitalize Your Prayer Life

Happy October!!!!

Are you Living with expectancy? Or are your thoughts about your dreams and desires more aligned to the following way of thinking:
You believe it can happen but not for you. You know that all things are possible but not right now. You have witnessed and believe in miracles but your situation is too far out of control, or self-inflicted therefore you are deserving of the negative consequences or discipline you are enduring. Or maybe you feel that because of past mistakes, you don't deserve more.

This month as we enter the last quarter of 2010, I encourage you to let go of those thoughts and actions that are blocking your blessing. Begin to live with expectancy!!! Expect that every blessing every miracle is on the way! Faith grants us the ability to live with expectancy through knowing that we serve a God who forgives and is able to restore all that is broken in our lives. Make a committment to revitalizing your prayer life and pray for God to align your desires with his desires and to purge your heart, mind and spirit of all that is not aligned to his will. When we seek God's will we can live with the expectancy that his will shall come to past, and we can rest assured that we are living with purpose.

A revitalized prayer life restores confidence in the future, grants peace, and provides clarity on the actions needed in order to live an abundant purposeful life. Through prayer we are in fellowship with our Lord and Savior, and we are equipped with the spiritual discernment that enables us to make better decisions and enables us to walk in obedience. Regardless of what your situation looks like, expect the best! Living with expectancy means working now in preparation for what's to come! You don't wait for wealth to learn how to manage money, or wait until you secure a job to gain the requirements. Professional athletes don't wait until the play-offs to prepare for a win. Living with expectancy is a life-style of constant preparation and application. Seek opportunities to apply your knowledge and to sharpen your skills in your areas of interest. Most visions don't come to pass over night, they are the result of small efforts that lead to big results. Pray like you mean it, live like you believe it!!!! Live with expectancy!!! Have a great week!!!