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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

August Week 4 - Embracing A Spirit Of Gratitude - A Joyful Heart Is A Grateful Heart

Many people spend years searching for the key to possessing inner joy. Based upon the society we live in today, one could easily be led to believe that joy is experienced only to the extent that our material needs are met. Rarely do we consider the amount of time, and effort that often goes into obtaining and maintaining our superficial desires, not to mention the fact that having "more" does not necessarily guarantee more joy and peace.

I have come to the realization that regardless of where we fall socioeconomically, the amount of material possessions, or our current relationship status, a joyful heart is a grateful heart. If we are able to maintain a spirit of gratefulness throughout the many seasons of life, we will then understand what it means to have true joy. This week I encourage us to count our blessings, and we will discover many reasons to embrace a spirit of gratitude. Have a great week!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

August Week 3 - Embracing A Spirit Of Gratitude - Giving Thanks For Life's Lessons

One of the number one lessons I have learned over the years is that the things I have sometimes desired most, turned out to be what I needed the least. Sometimes the lessons that we are in need of are manifested during seasons of what we may perceive as lack. Oftentimes we miss out on the lesson trying to get to the blessing, only to be given the same test again and again, until hopefully we eventually achieve mastery.

I don't know anyone who enjoys the process of taking tests but most will admit to the satisfaction of receiving an "A". This week I encourage you to give thanks for life's lessons. Every lesson learned brings us a step closer to achieving our destinies. Have a great week!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

August Week 2 - Embracing A Spirit Of Gratitude - Appreciating The Blessing Of Friendship

Many of us have spent the bulk of our lives in exploration of our identities, dreams, and ultimately the discovery of our purpose. As we navigate uncertain territory, and shift through the seasons of life, it is such a blessing to have friends who embrace, respect, and accept us unconditionally. Having at least one friend who is there through your ups and downs is truly a gift. A true friend not only loves unconditionally but holds us accountable for poor decisions, and knows how to offer loving criticism. Time spent with a true friend means having a safe place where we are able to let our guards down. No longer does it matter if we don't say the right things, wear the latest fashion, or have yet to achieve what society defines as success.

This week I encourage you to take some time to let those who are dear to you know how much you appreciate their love and friendship. Have a great week!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

August Week 1 - Embracing A Spirit Of Gratitude - Focus On The Positives

Happy August!

Today we are living in a world filled with constant reminders of the tribulations and disappointments that are an inevitable part of life. Rarely does a day go by without hearing messages eluding to evidence that rates of foreclosure, unemployment, crime and divorce are increasing.

In the midst of it all it is important for us to take a moment to shift our focus from the negatives and focus on the positives. Just as we can always find something to complain about, we are able to discover that we have many things to be grateful for.

As we work, pray, and strive to turn the negatives into positives, let's not forget to embrace a spirit of gratitude. This week I encourage you to begin each day by making a list of reasons to be grateful. You may be surprised to find that despite what the media, or world around you proclaims, you are blessed beyond measure. Have a great week!