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Sunday, June 20, 2010

June Week 4 - Breaking Generational Strongholds - Freedom Through Forgiveness

Happy Father's Day!

For many today is a day of joyous celebration, a time to give honor to the men in our lives who have diligently served as our fathers; however, for others, today is a reminder of an absent father, or stirs up memories of childhood pain and disappointment. Has anyone ever hurt you so badly that you honestly didn't know if it was possible to forgive them? Often times even as Christians our hearts are filled with bitterness as a result of wrongs that my have transpired many years ago. We desire to forgive, yet the pain makes it difficult to begin the process. The enemy does not want us to forgive. He'd rather see families, communities, and the world fall apart with hatred.

We must understand that our lives are not our own. We are called to fulfill a purpose. When we choose not to forgive, we are blocking opportunities to witness, for sometimes it is the people who have hurt us that need our witness the most. True forgiveness starts with redirecting our hurt toward the sin and not the person. We are all imperfect thanks to sin, but we are created in the image of Christ, making us all worthy of forgiveness and love. Trust that God will correct the sin and focus on loving the person. Have a great week!!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

June Week 3 - Breaking Generational Strongholds - Overcoming Self-Defeating Emotions

Everyday the media bombards our homes with reports of crime within our communities and around the world. Unfortunately, oftentimes these incidents of violence are taking place amongst family members, and are the result of uncontrolled emotions. When was the last time you allowed your emotions to control your decision-making?

Many families, lives, relationships and careers could be saved if more attention was given to controlling our emotions. Whether it's anger, fear, jealousy, doubt, or depression, our state of mind can lead to making decisions that not only affect our lives but those around us.

Patterns of domestic violence, and other crimes continue to exist within families generation after generation because no one has taken a stance to end the cycle before it is inherited by the next generation. This week I challenge us to monitor our thoughts and emotions, and work to gain control over emotions that may be standing in the way of our destinies and our legacy. Have a great week!

Tips For Over-Coming Self-Defeating Emotions

1. During moments of anger, think for at least ten seconds before responding.

2. Remove yourself from situations that may cause you to react in a violent or inappropriate manner.

3. Focus on the positives of the situation you are addressing.

4. Participate in activites or develop outlets for releasing your emotion or those that bring you peace such as listening to music, exercising, cooking, prayer/meditation.

5. Identify an accountability partner, someone who will be available for you to talk to during times when your emotions become difficult to manage.

6. Consider the consequences of reacting inappropriately. The consequences of reactions driven by emotion are not worth the long term effects.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

June - Week 2 - Breaking Generational Strongholds - Defeating Destructive Relationship Patterns

Most individuals desire to have a relationship that is healthy and fulfilling. Even those who have experienced their share of heartache maintain hope of someday meeting the person they will share their life with.

Oftentimes we habitually are attracted to potential mates who have common characteristics, and/or those similar to qualities possessed by members of our families. Whether positive or negative these traits are often the secret of why some relationships succeed while others fail. Take a moment to consider your relationship patterns. This week I encourage you to determine which traits are desirable in a mate and recognize those that repetively appear within our relationships but always lead to a downward spiral. Many of us are creatures of habit, often choosing that which is familiar over that which may be healthier. If you desire to have a lasting relationship there is no better time than the present to begin making better relationship choices. Don't allow fear to hold you bondage in a comfort zone that breeds negativity. Submit your desires to our Heavenly Father, seek his will, and he is sure to connect you with the mate you desire. Have a great week!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

June - Week 1 - Breaking Generational Strongholds - Identifying The Root Of Your Struggle

"Every Tree That Bringeth Not Forth Good Fruit Is Hewn Down, And Cast Into The Fire." Matthew 7:19

Stonghold Definition: A place dominated by a particular group or marked by a particular characteristic, a strongly fortified defensive structure.

Greek Definition: Fortress

Which areas of your life need to be stripped away and cast into a fire? Maybe it's a negative, self-defeating attitude, dysfunctional value system, poor financial management, lack of health conciousness, destructive relationship patterns, instability, a nonexistent, or neglected spiritual life, greed, a spirit of procrastination, a heart of unforgiveness, an unteachable spirit, and the list may go on and on.

This month as we enter the sixth month of 2010 we are going to tackle the root of many of the problems some of us are struggling to overcome. In some cases it may seem as if you have tried everything under the sun to correct dysfunctional behaviors, yet the same patterns continue to persist within your life. Often times the battles we are fighting are wars that have been waging for years within our families. Poverty, infidelity, violence, addictions, and other strongholds that can be identified within our lives and those around us do not suddenly manifest. In some cases there was a pre-established pattern in place that we inherited by our birthrights. This pattern tends to make us more vulnerable to ascribing to certain lifestyle patterns as a result of this predisposition.

It is our responsibility to examine our family histories and determine how we will increase the positive traits genetically acquired and decrease and/or destroy the presence of the negative influences that have been passed down from generation to generation.

This week I encourage you to identify the root of your current struggles and determine if it is indeed a generational stronghold that exists within your family in order to pave a smoother path for the generations to come.

Tips For Tackling Generational Stongholds:

1. Identify your current struggles, assess whether the root of your obstacles lies within mindsets, values, or habits acquired through your blood line.

2. Address concerns with family members to determine a course of action for breaking identified strongholds.

3. Create a plan of action for destroying the existing stronghold.

4. Monitor your progress daily. Strongholds are not easily broken, a conscious effort must be made daily to successfully conquer these destructive patterns.