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Friday, July 23, 2010

July Week 4 - Achieving Victory Through Radical Discipline - Minimize Distractions: Identify Your Weaknesses

We all have weaknesses or what I will refer to as personal triggers. Triggers are those people, environments, foods, words, or moods that hinder our focus. If your weakness is overspending, your trigger may be going to shopping centers with the intent to browse, yet somehow you always end up leaving with a purchase.

Maybe your busy schedule allows very little time for cooking, making it more convenient to opt for fast food, despite your comittment to eat healthier. In this instance, limited time is the trigger.

Then there's usually that one co-worker, friend, or family member who knows just the right words to say to ignite your emotions. Though you've promised yourself you would maintain emotional control at all times, once again you find yourself having an emotional outburst.

This week, I encourage you to recognize your weaknesses and triggers. Make a concious decision not to succumb to your personal weaknesses but instead replace them with positive alternatives. Have a great week!

Friday, July 16, 2010

July Week 3 - Achieving Victory Through Radical Discipline - Recognizing Patterns Of Emotionally-Based Decision Making

Living a life of radical discipline requires our ability to do what needs to be done even when our emotions tempt us to make decisions solely based upon how we feel from day to day.

Take a moment to think about how many things would remain undone daily if we completed tasks depending on our moods. Or imagine how different our lives would be if our emotions guided our daily interactions? Would we be rude to co-workers, over-eat, break our budgets, would we show up for work at all?

In order to acheive progress, we must be true to the sacrifice and commitment needed in order to attain our goals. With every lapse of judgement or discipline whether it be in our choice of relationships, finances, career, or health, we are potentially limiting our progress. This week I encourage us to monitor our decision making, to ensure that we are making sound decisions instead of decisions based solely on emotion. Have a great week-end!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

July - Week 2 - Achieving Victory Through Radical Discipline - Focus On Your Target

Despite how dedicated you have been to your destiny regimen, there is usually one area that will require a little more effort and attention than the others. It's amazing how we may have all of our I's dotted, and our T's crossed with the exception of that one area that always seems to fall through the cracks. Maybe everyday as you complete the items included in your destiny regimen, you notice that repeatedly exercising is the one item that goes un-checked. Maybe it's time spent working toward your purpose, or failure to keep the budget that you vowed to maintain. Regardless of which area you discover is constantly being neglected, it is important to identify the area in need of special targeting.

Once the neglected area is identified, it may be necessary to move this task to the top of your "To Do" list to ensure it is completed, or even set a reminder on your phone to alert you when the time arrives specifically set aside for accomplishing this task. Oftentimes, the things we desire to do the least are completed last or not at all. This week as we continue our focus on radical discipline, I encourage you to focus on your target, aim, and make it your personal goal to hit the bulleye everyday. Have a great week!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

July Week 1 - Achieving Victory Through Radical Discipline - Identifying Your Destiny Regimen

Congratulations!!! We have reached the halfway mark of 2010!! The finish line is just ahead as we continue to strive to win in 2010!

This month we will be focusing on discipline. We have fitness regimens, diet regimens, and even spiritual regimens. This week it's time we developed our destiny regimen! Most people whether they are celebrities, athletes, entrepreneuers, or any person who has successfully achieved their goals will tell you that their success was not based on talent alone, but the key to their success resides in their level of discipline.

In order to have a radical life transformation, we must implement a plan of radical discipline. All too often we get too comfortable allowing small tasks to remain undone; always depending on tomorrow, next week, next month, even next year to accomplish our goals.

This month I encourage you to committ to developing a lifestyle of radical discipline. Procrastination, stagnation, and contemplation have no place in your destiny! This week's focus is designing your destiny regimen. Regardless of what has taken place over the course of the past six months, many of us can honestly say that if nothing else, we are able to identify the routines that are working and those that are in need of modification. A destiny regimen consists of identifying the routines and actions that have proven to result in progress and consistantly following these actions daily. Make a commitment to doing these tasks as you continue the process of discovering other elements to add to your destiny regimen. Below I have listed the 5 components of my Destiny Regimen, and I pray that by the end of this week you too will have a destiny regimen that brings you a step closer to fulfilling your destiny! Have a great week!

1. Seeking God's purpose daily.
2. Establishing an atmosphere of peace.
3. Spending time with family and friends doing things that bring you joy.
4. Doing one thing each day toward reaching your goals.
5. Developing a fit and healthy lifestyle.