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Saturday, January 23, 2010

January Week 4 - Clearing Out The Clutter - Month-End Inspection

The fact that we are now entering into the last week of January 2010 is a testament to how fast time truly does fly! This week's focus is performing a Month-End inspection. Just shy of a month ago, we decided that we were going to Win in 2010!!!! Now that the first month of the year is drawing to a close it's time to take out the magnifying glass and inspect our progress. Upon completing this month-end inspection, let's utilize this final week to clear out the last remnants of clutter, and tie up the final loose ends in prepartion for month two of our tweleve month focus on self-discovery and personal development. Below I have provided a checklist that can serve as a resource for performing this month-end assessment.

January Month-End Inspection

- Has all clutter within relationships, finances, home, and office been addressed and removed?

- Have you removed your mask before God and sought his guidance for dealing with areas of struggle?

- If your plan is starting a new business, bringing in additional income, becoming a homeowner or working toward accomplishing educational goals, ect., have you written out a clear plan of action for reaching your desired goals?

- Are you setting time aside time each day to mediatate and reflect on your daily goals?

- Have you tried journaling as a tool for gaining clarification, direction, and as a way to monitor progress?

- Do you know the total dollar amount of your debt, and the amount needed monthly to cover living expenses?

- Have you established a monthly budget?

- What steps have you made toward achieving fitness and health goals?

Personal Month-End Reflection

As I cleared out the clutter, and removed my mask before God, I discovered that winning in 2010 was going to be more of a challenge than I imagined! Years of bad habits do not develop overnight so we certainly cannot expect them to disappear within a few weeks. Creating the lives we desire requires a daily committment to doing a little each day toward restructuring our lives and developing better habits. Even if you fell short of your goals this month, it's not too late! Hopefully if nothing else, you will end this month with greater awareness of changes that need to be made, a greater sense of direction, and a plan of action. Use this final week of January to revamp, regroup, and refocus your attention on the goals that were established during the first few days of this month. Congratulations on victories large and small!!!! Give yourselves credit for any steps that you have taken in the direction of self-discovery and personal developement! I'm sure that many of you have successfully established your foundation of success and are preparing to implement your battle plan for winning in 2010!!! Have a wonderful week!!! See you in February!!!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

January - Week 3 - Cleaning Out The Clutter - Time To Organize Our Finances!!!

Proud Homeowner!!! 4 Bedrooms, 2 1/2 Baths, New Construction, 3.5% 30 Year Fixed Interest Rate
Please visit to learn more information
about the program that made my dream of homeownership come true!!!

I don't know about you, but one of the least enjoyable activities of my day to day routine is sitting down and going through the bills! I would almost rather do anything than to sort through the assortment of utility, car, educational, and other expenses that demand my attention. The reason that this task proves to be challenging is because often times from month to month I find myself trying to figure out how my means will meet the needs. One thing that I have learned over the years is that you can run, but you can't hide from financial responsibility. Avoidance or failure to take a detailed assessment of one's financial status can only create financial ruin.

When we look at our bank accounts and the numbers are out of balance with what is required to cover our monthly expenses, the first step is always recognizing the problem. The ability to recognize the problem empowers us to begin seeking solutions. As a college freshman I was enticed by the numerous credit card offers that were readily accessible and displayed just outside of our campus student center. I joined the multitude of students who lined up to apply for our first credit cards with visions of shopping, and only having to make $15 monthly payments, and receiving the t-shirt and water bottle that were given in exchange for our committment.

Two years ago, I developed the desire to become a homeowner. It was at this time that the decision I had made to apply for various charge accounts ten years prior as a college freshman began to haunt me. Over the years I had experienced financial hardships that had caused my credit card balances to increase substantially, and the $15 minimum monthly payments that were once so attractive, had increased to amounts that were often times outside of my monthly budget. As a result, late fees, and delinquencies caused my credit rating to plummet, making Real Estate Agents turn me away within five minutes of assessing my credit report.

Saddened by the unfavorable response I received, I began to wonder if I would ever be able to pay down enough debt, or achieve a credit score that would make me worthy of achieving my dream of homeownership. One day I came home to a notice left in my apartment door from a real estate agent with information on it about a homeownership program called NACA. I called the number provided and the agent offered to sign me up for a workshop. Unsure if it was worth investing the time to attend, I politely thanked the agent and told him I would sign up at a later date.

Recognizing the need to get my finances in order, a few weeks later I signed up for a financial seminar hosted by my church. The Real Estate Agent facilitating the seminar also mentioned the NACA program, and after hearing the program referenced once again I decided that maybe I should register for a workshop afterall. The financial seminar provided by my church was held in January of 2008, I went to the NACA workshop that February where I was able to schedule an appointment to meet with a NACA counselor. I began meeting with my NACA counselor monthly beginning in March of 2008. During this time my credit report was reviewed, and I received assistance with identifying the necessary steps I needed to take in order to become a homeowner. On November 26, 2008, the day before Thanksgiving, I closed on my first home. Needless to say, on Thanksgiving day my heart was overflowing with thankfulness! I promised God a long time ago that on this journey of life I would use the lessons and blessings he's provided to encourage anyone who may cross my path. Below I have listed tips, suggestions, and links to online resources to aide all who may be interested with reaching their financial goals. I am now beginning a journey toward becoming debt-free and I would like to invite anyone who desires to experience the joys of financial freedom to join me.

Step 1: Face Your Debt - Set some time aside to focus completely on performing a financial assessment. Obtain a copy of your credit report, gather all monthly bills and expenses and calculate the amount of debt owed, and review interest rates on loans and credit cards.
Click the link below to obtain a free copy of your credit report.

Step 2: Get Organized - Create a spreadsheet or use Quicken software to record expenses. All expenses should be recorded to include day-to-day expenses. Even small amounts, in order to keep tabs on where every penny of your money is going, and to determine the exact amount needed monthly for household expenses.

Step 3: Negotiate - Creditors are often willing to lower interest rates and/or settle a balance for an amount lower than is owed. This can be done by simply calling the creditor and making a request to receive a settlement, a lower interest rate, or refinance your home. NACA also provides a home save program as well as refinance assistance available to current homeowners. Visit for more information.

Step 4: Develop A Realistic Budget - Design a budget that includes all monthly expenses to include paying yourself first by determing how much to invest toward's savings and investment accounts. Entertainment and leisure expenditures should also be included and decided upon in advance in order to maintain your budget. Decide what your financial goals are and which areas you are willing to cut-back on to reach your goals.

Step 5: Plan A Course Of Action - After reviewing your expenses you may find that there is not enough income available from month to month to cover your expenses, reach your investment/savings goals, or to live the lifestyle desired. If this occurs it is time to consider options such as seeking opportunities for earning additional revenue, researching funding and requirements to gain an advanced degree or certificate, changing careers, or cutting out all unnecessary spending in order to reach financial goals.

Additional Tips For Achieving Financial Success

- Strive to live below your means

- Limit dining out

- Save and utilize coupons

- Always ask clerks or business owners about
possible specials or customer rewards programs.

- Purchase clothing during off seasons, or during seasonal

- Create a plan and stick with it!!!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

January Week 2 - Cleaning Out The Clutter - Remove Your Mask!!!

This week as we move into the second week of 2010, I am challenging myself as well as those of you who are joining me for this journey of self-discovery and personal development, to remove your mask!!! Many of us have deep wounds and scars and we have spent years perfecting just the right way to keep them covered. We walk around with a smile on our faces yet inside our pain runs deep. We cover those parts of us that we don't want the world to see with our make-up, fancy weaves and hairdos, clothes, careers, and status only to find ourselves feeling very empty at the end of the day.

Our reasons for remaining behind the safety of our masks is understandable. Who wants to face the judgement and scrutiny of the world once they see us for who we really are? How many friends, and acquaintances would turn their backs on us if they knew about the mistakes we've made in the past, and those that we continue to make today? In many cases it is easier to keep our masks on versus having to deal with the opposition that often comes along with "Keeping It Real." Though we are able to hide behind our masks from the world, the one person from whom we cannot hide is God. Sometimes we wear our masks for so long that we even begin to fool ourselves into thinking that things really are as well within our lives as we portray them to be. This week as we continue to clean out the clutter in our lives, I challenge you to remove your mask before God and spend some time analyzing which areas of our lives are in need of improvement, and to begin seeking God for direction and healing. Below are my personal top five favorites feel free to create your own list or select from those provided below.

1. Finances - "The Baller"

Are you spending so much time trying to maintain an image or lifestyle that your finances are spinning out of control? Your designer clothes, purse, and shoes give you the appearance of having it all together, but what people don't know is that the bill collectors are ringing your phone off the hook.

2. Relationships - "The Perfect Couple"

Everyone thinks you're in a perfect relationship but everyday you're battling abuse, infidelity, mistrust, poor communication, or overall dissatifaction.

3. Spirituality - "Mr. Or Ms. Holy Roller"

You are in church every Sunday, Wednesday, and any other time service is held. You faithfully attend bible study and every church convention around the city. Yet your lifestyle fails to align with any of the messages heard, or scriptures taught.

4. Health - "Mr. or Ms. Diet Cola" or "Ms. High Metabolism"

Either you're always on a diet, feel like you will never have to diet or you just don't care. If you are a Mr. or Ms. Diet Cola, you're so overly health conscious that anyone who buys you a drink knows to ask for diet, you're constantly counting calories, yet time and time again you give in to temptation, and never seem to quite reach your fitness goal. Or Maybe you feel that because you have a "high metabolism" you are excluded from having to work out or watch what you eat and continue to fill your body with an unhealthy diet. Then there are those who just don't care. In order for our bodies to function properly it is important that we make a committment to provide healthy nourishment, rest and exercise for our bodies.

5. Negative Attitudes - "Mr. Or Ms. Freedom Of Speech"

It is important that we express our opinions and let our voices be heard, but sometimes it's ok to plead the fifth. Many times what we feel is simply voicing our opinion turns into a vent session that fills the air with negativity. If you find your vent session turning into a slew of negative remarks toward others, a stream of profanity filled declarations, or your voice rising to unusual levels, it may be time to plead the fifth, and seek ways to change the situation using more peaceful methods. The only people who want to be around negative people, are other negative people. Positive change, begins with positive attitudes and positive actions.

The types of masks we wear daily are endless. These are the top five that at different phases of my life I have found myself struggling with, and a couple that I am still fighting to overcome today. This week let's take our masks off before the only one who can heal us, and ask God to give us guidance and direction so that when people look at our lives, we will know that they are seeing us for who we truly are and not just our masks. One thing that each of us has in common is that we each exist in the world with our own set of imperfections. By being willing to take off our masks and share our testimonies, we give others the freedom to do the same.

Celebrating 31 Years Of Blessings and God's Grace!

Wow! 31! It seems that I was just celebrating my 21st birthday, and now I am officially "thirty-something!" These were my thoughts as I awakened this morning and began to reflect over the years and how much has changed in my life. My life is far different from the way I imagined it would be a decade ago by the time I reached this age, yet in many ways it's far better than I ever imagined!!!

The lessons I've learned, people who have crossed my path, and all that through God's grace I have been able to accomplish makes this day all the more special. Being the perfectionist that I have a tendency to sometimes be, I'm still not all that I desire to be, but I thank God that I haven't accepted a life of stagnation, but instead have chosen to push forward into all that God has purposed for my life. This journey has not been easy, but the good days have outweighed the bad. In the midst of it all my favorite scripture, Romans 8:28 "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." Still holds true!!!

So in honor of having the victory in knowing that things truly do work our for our good, be encouraged to keep pressing forward, continue seeking God, and living a life of purpose, despite the obstacles, the disappointments, and the set-backs. In the end, the victory will be so much greater than the cost, and the greatest reward will be peace. Peace in knowing that you are living a life of purpose!

Top Life Lessons Learned

1. Jesus Is The Way, The Truth, And The Life! This Journey Would Be Unbearable Without His Presence

2. Love Is The Cure To Many Of The World's Problems

3. Regardless Of What I Do I Will Never Be Able To Please Everyone

4. You Are What You Attract

5. All Things Work Together For The Good Even When I Don't Understand

6. Change Begins With Me, And I Am The Only Person I Can Change

7. You Reap What You Sew
(Financially, Spiritually, Health, Career, Relationships ect.)

8. Loving Family and Real Friends Are Truly A Blessing! They Will Be There When You're Up And When You're Down!

9. The Keys To Success In Any Area Of Life Are: God's Will, Diligence, Consistency, Perserverance, Having A Sense Of Purpose

10. Relationships Require Having A Heart To Give

Friday, January 1, 2010

Let's Win In 2010!!!!

Happy New Year!!!

Every day provides us with another opportunity to identify and work toward the fulfillment of our life purpose. A new year is our chance to reflect on the past 365 days and determine if we were truly good stewards of each day, and every opportunity that had the power to bring us a step closer to living a life of purpose.

This year I encourage every individual to not only reflect, revise, and review the events and decisions that have transpired over the course of the past year, but as we celebrate 2010, prepare to fight!!! Fight by actively taking the necessary steps needed to manifest a life of purpose. In honor of the new year, I am dedicating the next twelve months to self-discovery and personal development. There are some struggles that have been following me for the past decade, and though in many cases I've been able to navigate my way around them, they still remain and have proven to be a hindrance in some areas of my life. I have decided that this year I will win the battle against strongholds, mindsets, habits, and any other threat standing between me and my destiny. I would like to invite you to join me for this journey of self-discovery and development. Each month is being dedicated to a specific focus, and every week I will be posting messages of encouragement, tips and suggestions in areas ranging from relationships and finances, to health and wellness. Today is the first day of a life changing year, Let's win in 2010!!!!

January Week 1 - Clean Up and Get Rid of the Clutter!

January begins the first month of a 12-month series dedicated to self-discovery and personal development. This month's focus will be establishing a foundation of success. In order to effectively prepare to reach our goals, we must first create a plan of action. This plan should serve as our foundation for reaching success. I have found that making a committment to seek God's will as the driving force of my plans, has been the source of my greatest accomplishments. Oftentimes we depend on our own thoughts and devices to determine our direction in life, only to find ourselves lost time and time again. Through diligently seeking God's purpose we are able to experience life with a clarity and focus that gives us the peace needed to make decisions and to address the tribulations of life. Trust me when I say there have been multiple times when I tried doing things my way whether it was within relationships, career choices, and even day-to-day decision making. I'm so grateful that I have discovered that God's way is always best. Below I have listed some additional suggestions for developing a foundation of success.

"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousnes; and all these things shall be added unto you." Matthew 6:33

The Key to Establishing a Foundation of Success is Organization

Maintain a Journal:

Many times our minds are so cluttered that we're unable to focus on daily routines let alone working toward our purpose. A journal is an excellent source for writing down personal goals and gaining clarity through the written word. As ideas and thoughts are written, dreams and visions are brought to life and the thought-process of how to nurture gifts and talents becomes stimulated. Often times through writing, passions are discovered that would have otherwise remained unknown. Make a committment each day to not only write down goals but to also include the steps that will be taken each day to move a step closer to reaching the goal. Free-writing is also a wonderful way of expressing emotions that may be difficult to verbalize. Journal writing helps to organize thoughts, and many have described it as being therapeutic.

Organize Surroundings:

A cluttered home can often lead to a cluttered mind! As we take this journey of self-discovery and personal development it is important that every area of our lives becomes organized. Everything from the rooms within our homes to our offices at work should serve as a representation of a lifestyle of focus and clarity. I've found that the more I maintain consistancy in the small things such as keeping a clear desk, promptly doing the dishes, or maintaining good financial records, the easier it becomes to maintain a disciplined life of organization. Increased organization makes the process of living a life of purpose less complicated and easier to manage.

Dispose of Toxic Relationships:

We are commissioned to love our neighbors but our neighbors do not have to have a front row seat within our lives. Sometimes the number one barrier standing in the way of living a life of purpose is listening to people who seem to serve no other purpose in our lives than to fill our minds with negativity. While it's important that we strive to be examples of love and offer our support to uplift the various people that cross our path, we must determine their role within our lives, and whether they are a distraction, or a source of encouragement as we continue on our journey of purpose. Identifying the place that individuals hold within our lives make it easier to determine with whom to invest our time, hearts, and spirits.