Debt, medical emergencies, family conflict, job loss, unemployment, and career demands, are just a few triggers to a stress-ridden life. Even the most optimistic person can sometimes find themselves overburdened with the demands and unpredictability of life. The truth of the matter is with each sunrise as we begin a new day even with the best of plans we are unable to predict what a new day will bring. The only true control we have is over our attitudes.
The root of stress usually lies within the worry, frustration, or disappointment that ensues when faced with obstacles. It's easy to say "think positively" or "focus on the positives" until something happens that shakes your world up so badly that it eclipses any attempt to see the brighter side of your circumstances.
I believe it is important to allow ourselves to feel the pain of tough circumstances in order to deal with the reality of the situation. The key is learning how to transition from that place of pain and disappointment into focusing on the positives. When we focus our minds on all that we have to be thankful for, instead of dwelling on circumstances that only God can control, we free ourselves from unnecessary stress and worry.
This week I encourage you to make a list of situations your are able to actively improve and a list of those things that are beyond your power to change. It is these situations that our faith is strengthened as we seek God through prayer and witness the power of his sovereignty. In all things, place your faith in the one who knows your struggles best, and prepare to share your testimony with the world!! Have a great week!